University Casebook: Fundamentals of Federal Income Taxation read online ebook TXT


This title is a part of our CasebookPlus',,¢ offering as ISBN 9781634608886. Learn more at Adopted at over 100 schools, this casebook provides detailed information on federal income taxation, with specific assignments to the Internal Revenue Code, selected cases, and administrative rulings from the Internal Revenue Service. The revised and updated Eighteenth Edition retains the book'e(tm)s long standing format and much of its prior materials, but it is updated to reflect recent events including all legislative developments, especially the Protecting Americans from Tax Hikes Act of 2015 (Pub. L. 114-113). The new edition contains coverage of updated tax rates, the permanent extension of various tax provisions, final regulations on capitalization, the Ninth Circuit'e(tm)s opinion in Voss v. Commissioner , and IRS guidance on the tax rules for same-sex married couples. The Eighteenth Edition also features revised and reorganized coverage of: (1) the cost recovery system (including §§ 179 and 168(k)), (2) the cash and accrual methods of tax accounting, and (3) the tax treatment of original issue discount and the time value of money provisions. The Text is accompanied by an extensive Teachers' Manual containing answers to the problems, comments on cases not contained in the text, and suggestions on teaching the course.

University Casebook: Fundamentals of Federal Income Taxation by Richard Stephens read DJV, TXT, FB2

As M. s world gradually fragments around him--his military-contractor wife refuses to start a family because of a debilitating illness; he is abandoned by his best friend and mentor; and he loses his respectable job at an ad agency after a politically charged confrontation with his boss--M.How can researchers, theorists, and practitioners foster the well-founded and widespread development of such key elements of the learning process?It reflects both Lincoln s time and the struggle that consumes our own political debate.", A breathtaking new view of Abraham Lincoln.Contributors: Jennifer Alsop, Matthew A.The work will be an invaluable reference for historians, architects, and those committed to the preservation of national monuments., Historic sites celebrate defining moments in history, memorialize important events and people, and contribute to the character of the locations where they are situated.It takes full account of the emergence of China as a contender to the predominance of the US, of the changing role of the BRICS economies more generally, and of the on-going problems of the European Union, and especially the eurozone.While incorporating the latest developments, Global Political Economy continues to provide a historically-grounded account.Curve Magazine""See Moise push stories from her mouth like it might save your life.""The Root"""Despite more than two decades of research on the process of caring for older family members, relatively few researchers have grappled with interface of informal and formal caregiving systems in an effort to shape future caregiving policy.The comprehensive coverage includes topics such as the relationship between transport and the spatial economy, recent advances in travel demand analysis, the external costs of transport, investment appraisal, pricing, equity issues, competition and regulation, the role of public - private partnerships and the development of policy in local bus services, rail, air and maritime transport This Handbook is designed both for use on postgraduate and advanced undergraduate courses and as a reference for anyone working in the field.