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Language and Globalization explores the effects of language in the processes of globalization. Norman Fairclough adopts the approach of combining critical discourse analysis with cultural political economy to develop a new theory of the relationship between discourse and other dimensions of globalization. Using examples from a variety of countries such as the USA, Britain, Romania, Hungary and Thailand, Language and Globalization shows how the analysis of texts can be coherently integrated within political economic analysis. Fairclough incorporates topical issues such as the war on terror and the impact of the media on globalization into his discussion. Areas covered include: globalization and language: review of academic literature discourses of globalization the media, mediation and globalization globalization, war and terrorism. This book will be of interest to students and researchers in applied linguistics, language and politics and discourse analysis., This book uses critical discourse analysis to investigate relations between discourse and other dimensions (economic, political, social and cultural) of contemporary processes of globalization, and the effects that discourse has on globalization. It uses an innovative approach which combines critical discourse analysis with "cultural" political economy to develop a new theory of the relationship between discourse and other dimensions of globalization, and it shows how analysis of texts can be coherently integrated within political economic analysis. There are chapters on the globalization and Europeanization of nation-states, the relationship between the real processes of globalization and discourses of globalization, the impact of the media on globalization and the strategies of people in local communities to adapt to globalization or resist its negative effects. The book focuses on "globalism" as the dominant neo-liberal discourse of globalization and includes a chapter which interprets the "war on terror"as part of global strategy. Examples are drawn from a variety of different countries including the USA, Britain, Romania, Hungary and Thailand, and discussion of these examples includes analysis of specific texts.

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